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See error code reference" }, "message": { "type": "string", "description": "Human-readable error message" } }, "required": [ "code", "message" ] }, "InnerErrors": { "type": "object", "properties": { "_errors": { "type": "array", "description": "The list of errors for this field", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" } } }, "additionalProperties": false, "required": [ "_errors" ] }, "ErrorDetails": { "oneOf": [ { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorDetails" } }, { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InnerErrors" } ] }, "ErrorResponse": { "type": "object", "description": "Errors object returned by the Discord API", "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Error" }, { "type": "object", "properties": { "errors": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorDetails" } } } ] } }, "securitySchemes": { "BotToken": { "type": "apiKey", "description": "Discord bot token", "name": "Authorization", "in": "header" }, "OAuth2": { "type": "oauth2", "flows": { "implicit": { "authorizationUrl": "discord.com/oauth2/authorize", "refreshUrl": "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token", "scopes": { "activities.read": "allows your app to fetch data from a user's \"Now Playing/Recently Played\" list - requires Discord approval", "activities.write": "allows your app to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval (NOT REQUIRED FOR GAMESDK ACTIVITY MANAGER)", "applications.builds.read": "allows your app to read build data for a user's applications", "applications.builds.upload": "allows your app to upload/update builds for a user's applications - requires Discord approval", "applications.commands": "allows your app to use commands in a guild", "applications.commands.permissions.update": "allows your app to update permissions for its commands in a guild a user has permissions to", "applications.entitlements": "allows your app to read entitlements for a user's applications", "applications.store.update": "allows your app to read and update store data (SKUs, store listings, achievements, etc.) for a user's applications", "bot": "for oauth2 bots, this puts the bot in the user's selected guild by default", "connections": "allows /users/@me/connections to return linked third-party accounts", "dm_channels.read": "allows your app to see information about the user's DMs and group DMs - requires Discord approval", "email": "enables /users/@me to return an email", "gdm.join": "allows your app to join users to a group dm", "guilds": "allows /users/@me/guilds to return basic information about all of a user's guilds", "guilds.join": "allows /guilds/{guild.id}/members/{user.id} to be used for joining users to a guild", "guilds.members.read": "allows /users/@me/guilds/{guild.id}/member to return a user's member information in a guild", "identify": "allows /users/@me without email", "messages.read": "for local rpc server api access, this allows you to read messages from all client channels (otherwise restricted to channels/guilds your app creates)", "openid": "for OpenID Connect, this allows your app to receive user id and basic profile information", "relationships.read": "allows your app to know a user's friends and implicit relationships - requires Discord approval", "rpc": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to control a user's local Discord client - requires Discord approval", "rpc.activities.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval", "rpc.notifications.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to receive notifications pushed out to the user - requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's screenshare status- requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's screenshare settings- requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's video status - requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's video settings - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's voice settings and listen for voice events - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's voice settings - requires Discord approval", "voice": "allows your app to connect to voice on user's behalf and see all the voice members - requires Discord approval", "webhook.incoming": "this generates a webhook that is returned in the oauth token response for authorization code grants" } }, "clientCredentials": { "tokenUrl": "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token", "refreshUrl": "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token", "scopes": { "activities.read": "allows your app to fetch data from a user's \"Now Playing/Recently Played\" list - requires Discord approval", "activities.write": "allows your app to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval (NOT REQUIRED FOR GAMESDK ACTIVITY MANAGER)", "applications.builds.read": "allows your app to read build data for a user's applications", "applications.builds.upload": "allows your app to upload/update builds for a user's applications - requires Discord approval", "applications.commands": "allows your app to use commands in a guild", "applications.commands.permissions.update": "allows your app to update permissions for its commands in a guild a user has permissions to", "applications.commands.update": "allows your app to update its commands using a Bearer token - client credentials grant only", "applications.entitlements": "allows your app to read entitlements for a user's applications", "applications.store.update": "allows your app to read and update store data (SKUs, store listings, achievements, etc.) for a user's applications", "bot": "for oauth2 bots, this puts the bot in the user's selected guild by default", "connections": "allows /users/@me/connections to return linked third-party accounts", "dm_channels.read": "allows your app to see information about the user's DMs and group DMs - requires Discord approval", "email": "enables /users/@me to return an email", "gdm.join": "allows your app to join users to a group dm", "guilds": "allows /users/@me/guilds to return basic information about all of a user's guilds", "guilds.join": "allows /guilds/{guild.id}/members/{user.id} to be used for joining users to a guild", "guilds.members.read": "allows /users/@me/guilds/{guild.id}/member to return a user's member information in a guild", "identify": "allows /users/@me without email", "messages.read": "for local rpc server api access, this allows you to read messages from all client channels (otherwise restricted to channels/guilds your app creates)", "openid": "for OpenID Connect, this allows your app to receive user id and basic profile information", "relationships.read": "allows your app to know a user's friends and implicit relationships - requires Discord approval", "rpc": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to control a user's local Discord client - requires Discord approval", "rpc.activities.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval", "rpc.notifications.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to receive notifications pushed out to the user - requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's screenshare status- requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's screenshare settings- requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's video status - requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's video settings - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's voice settings and listen for voice events - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's voice settings - requires Discord approval", "voice": "allows your app to connect to voice on user's behalf and see all the voice members - requires Discord approval", "webhook.incoming": "this generates a webhook that is returned in the oauth token response for authorization code grants" } }, "authorizationCode": { "authorizationUrl": "discord.com/oauth2/authorize", "tokenUrl": "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token", "refreshUrl": "https://discord.com/api/oauth2/token", "scopes": { "activities.read": "allows your app to fetch data from a user's \"Now Playing/Recently Played\" list - requires Discord approval", "activities.write": "allows your app to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval (NOT REQUIRED FOR GAMESDK ACTIVITY MANAGER)", "applications.builds.read": "allows your app to read build data for a user's applications", "applications.builds.upload": "allows your app to upload/update builds for a user's applications - requires Discord approval", "applications.commands": "allows your app to use commands in a guild", "applications.commands.permissions.update": "allows your app to update permissions for its commands in a guild a user has permissions to", "applications.entitlements": "allows your app to read entitlements for a user's applications", "applications.store.update": "allows your app to read and update store data (SKUs, store listings, achievements, etc.) for a user's applications", "bot": "for oauth2 bots, this puts the bot in the user's selected guild by default", "connections": "allows /users/@me/connections to return linked third-party accounts", "dm_channels.read": "allows your app to see information about the user's DMs and group DMs - requires Discord approval", "email": "enables /users/@me to return an email", "gdm.join": "allows your app to join users to a group dm", "guilds": "allows /users/@me/guilds to return basic information about all of a user's guilds", "guilds.join": "allows /guilds/{guild.id}/members/{user.id} to be used for joining users to a guild", "guilds.members.read": "allows /users/@me/guilds/{guild.id}/member to return a user's member information in a guild", "identify": "allows /users/@me without email", "messages.read": "for local rpc server api access, this allows you to read messages from all client channels (otherwise restricted to channels/guilds your app creates)", "openid": "for OpenID Connect, this allows your app to receive user id and basic profile information", "relationships.read": "allows your app to know a user's friends and implicit relationships - requires Discord approval", "role_connections.write": "allows your app to update a user's connection and metadata for the app", "rpc": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to control a user's local Discord client - requires Discord approval", "rpc.activities.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's activity - requires Discord approval", "rpc.notifications.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to receive notifications pushed out to the user - requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's screenshare status- requires Discord approval", "rpc.screenshare.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's screenshare settings- requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's video status - requires Discord approval", "rpc.video.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's video settings - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.read": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to read a user's voice settings and listen for voice events - requires Discord approval", "rpc.voice.write": "for local rpc server access, this allows you to update a user's voice settings - requires Discord approval", "voice": "allows your app to connect to voice on user's behalf and see all the voice members - requires Discord approval", "webhook.incoming": "this generates a webhook that is returned in the oauth token response for authorization code grants" } } } } }, "responses": { "ClientErrorResponse": { "description": "Client error response", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ErrorResponse" } } } } } } }