71 lines
1.8 KiB
71 lines
1.8 KiB
import { z } from "zod";
const USERNAME = z
.min(1, "Username is too short.")
.regex(/^[a-z0-9]+$/, "Username must be lowercase alphanumeric.");
const DISPLAY_NAME = z.string().min(1, "Display name is too short.");
const EMAIL = z.string().email("Not an email.");
const PASSWORD = z
.min(12, "Password must be at least 12 characters long.");
const AVATAR = z.string().refine(
(val) => {
const parts = val.split(",");
const data = parts.length === 2 ? parts[1] : parts[0];
try {
const buf = Buffer.from(data, "base64");
return buf.length <= 2_000_000;
} catch (e) {
return false;
message: "File is bigger than 2 MB.",
path: ["avatar"]
export const loginSchema = z.object({
username: USERNAME,
password: PASSWORD
export type LoginSchema = z.infer<typeof loginSchema>;
export const registerSchema = z
username: USERNAME,
displayName: DISPLAY_NAME,
email: EMAIL,
password: PASSWORD,
confirmPassword: PASSWORD,
avatar: AVATAR.optional()
.refine((data) => data.password === data.confirmPassword, {
message: "Passwords do not match.",
path: ["confirmPassword"]
export type RegisterSchema = z.infer<typeof registerSchema>;
export const aboutMeSchema = z.object({
username: USERNAME,
displayName: DISPLAY_NAME,
email: EMAIL,
avatar: AVATAR.optional()
export type AboutMeSchema = z.infer<typeof aboutMeSchema>;
export const passwordUpdateSchema = z
password: PASSWORD,
newPassword: PASSWORD,
confirmPassword: PASSWORD
.refine((data) => data.newPassword === data.confirmPassword, {
message: "Passwords do not match.",
path: ["confirmPassword"]
export type PasswordUpdateSchema = z.infer<typeof passwordUpdateSchema>;