# DeezShade Okay, now it's just funny. With love from NotNet and friends. DeezShade is a continuation of [GeezShade](https://git.n2.pm/NotNite/geezshade), in C#. Note that this doesn't actually install vanilla ReShade (yet) - [do that yourself](https://reshade.me/) (but get the full addon build). [CLICK HERE TO INSTALL IT.](https://git.n2.pm/NotNite/DeezShade/releases/latest) ## Why? GeezShade broke with the release of GShade 4.1.1, password protecting the assets behind a probably-not-legally-binding EULA as the password, stating that those who use it are accessing it through the GShade installer. This means they'd probably DMCA me if I included the password in my codebase, Base64'd or not. So I came up with a solution. There is absolutely zero traces of the GShade password in this codebase. ## How? They must've forgot that the GShade installer is written in C# and easily reflectable, allowing us to run the GShade installer code, within the GShade installer, without tampering it. Oops!