{ lib, agenix, pkgs, config, modulesPath, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.file pkgs.xterm # `agenix` is currently added via # ".nixos-wsl.modules.environment.systemPackages" ]; nixpkgs = { config = { allowUnfree = true; }; }; programs = { zsh = { enable = true; }; nano = { enable = true; }; cdemu = { # I haven't figured out how to get `cdemu` properly working (in WSL), so # I'm just going to leave it as `programs.cdemu.enable = false;` for now. enable = false; group = "cdrom"; gui = false; image-analyzer = false; }; screen = { enable = true; }; }; # `documentation.man.generateCaches` seems to be mainly useful for `whatis`, # but I couldn't really get it working well. # From what I can tell, it depends on a package being installed via # `environment.systemPackages`, *and* for that package to have a manpage. # That's kinda useless for me since I've been mostly installing stuff via # `home-manager`, sooooooooo... /* documentation = { nixos = { includeAllModules = true; }; man = { generateCaches = true; }; }; */ }